In 2013 The West Valley Christian School purchased a 5 acre site on the corner of Van Buren St. and Sarival Rd. - the former St. Thomas church - in Goodyear Arizona for their new campus. One of the 3 buildings was a home built in the 1970's that was converted into an adult group home. It was decided to convert the 2400 S.F. building into the Pre-School accommodating 80 children - ages 3 to 5. After careful study of the existing floor plan and the program , we discovered that by removing a few existing walls we were able to meet all the program requirements without gutting the interior. The plans were approved in December of 2013 and construction completed in 4 months
Design on the grade school began in earnest on January 2, 2014. At the time, the school was housed in a facility east of the new campus with the lease set to expire at the end of the 2014 spring term. The challenge: design and construct a new 60,000 S.F. facility in time to open in the fall of 2014 - a mere 8 months!
The design went through several iterations when it was decided to go back to the initial design of a (2) story wood structure based on a double loaded corridor scheme. The design also included a 20,000 S.F. Multi-Purpose building connected to the main building by a breezeway. The drawings were completed and approved in 3 months. Construction began in April and was completed 1 week before the fall term. The Multi-Purpose building was completed in December of 2014.
There are many auto dealerships in Mesa but none as unique as the latest addition on Broadway!
The Beemer Haus resides in a 27,000 S.F. building comprising of offices, showroom, and prep area on a 1.5 acre site heading up Mesa's auto row on Broadway.
In 2017 we were asked to provide a conceptual plan for a state of the art indoor gun range facility that features a 4200 S.F. retail center, weapons training facility, restaurant, and members lounge, as well as 25 shooting lanes. The design carefully navigates the functionality of three distinct components of Retail, Restaurant, and Range harmoniously under one roof, providing a truly unique experience for the consumer.
406 S. Price Rd. Tempe Arizona
Do you know if the space you are about to lease is code compliant? Will you have enough parking? Is the site ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) compliant? Are there defects in the original construction of a suite you are considering? These can be critical issues that can cost thousands of dollars and kill your new business before it gets off the ground. Let us help you with your due diligence. We can provide you a detailed analysis of a potential space prior to signing a lease. Have you been red tagged for illegal construction? We can help you with that as well!
We provide fast, efficient architectural service - often within two weeks depending on the size and complexity of the build out. All of our proposals include engineering. Call us today for a free quote! (480) 215-4961
The proposed 20,218 square foot, thirty-foot-tall one-story concrete block and metal panel building will be the latest of three retail and service centers for AEO Powersports. The main function of the space will consist of 11,270 square feet of retail space providing motorcycles, parts, apparel, gear, and accessories. The remaining 8,948 square feet will contain a repair shop, offices, and parts storage.
The 2.72-acre site at the SW corner of W. Autoshow Drive and N. Autoshow Drive will include customer and employee parking to the north and east with two accessible spaces next to the main covered entry. There will be a private fenced-in paved area to the west and south of the building for deliveries, solid waste/ recycling pick up, and used motor oil/ gasoline storage and pick up. There will be a 65-foot landscape buffer along the south property line, landscape along the building, and between the parking and streets.